Some good lists

The 10 most common mistakes of MLM (Multi Level Marketing)

1) People don't treat their MLM business like a traditional business.

2) People just quit too easily.

3) People count on the MLM to solve their immediate money problems.

4) People don't develop a relationship with their upline and downline.

5) You are talking to people who have no interested in your business.

6) People rely to much on email to build their business.

7) People don't understand the 80/20 rule.

8) People have the wrong expectations.

9) People have no online or offline marketing system.

10) People have poor looking marketing materials.

side note: the 80/20 rule:  80% of your volume will be generated by 20% of the people.

Source: "MLM big money" by Robert Blackman

The laws of success

1) The law of vision:

Have to have a vision of where you are going and what you want to do.

2) The law of the mind:

Your mind will determine what you will have in life.

3) The law of value:

Your skill determines your value in the marketplace.

4) The law of reaping and sowing:

You reap what you sow.

5) The law of desire:

Your desire will be your drive for success.

6) The law of teachability:

You have to be teachable.

7) The law of forgiveness:

You have to forgive to move forward.

8) The law of promotion:

If you can be successful with what you have, then you will be given more.

9) The law of focus:

Whatever you focus on is what you get good at.

10) The law of honor:

Honoring people is the #1 key to building successful relationships.

11) The law of decision:

You have to make a decision.

12) The law of action:

You have to act on a decision.

Source:  "First steps to welath" by Dani Johnson

Other sources:

"How to win and influence people" by Dale Carnagie

"How to think and grow rich" by Napoleon Hill

The Holy Bible


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